The Big Idea (Part 2)

So in this post I will endeavor to explain why “the mission statement for mortality might be ‘to build an eternal family'”.

The other purposes of our existence on this earthly sphere which I listed in the last post are each valid and true.  We’re here to be tested, to have joy (not just mortality but throughout our eternal existence), and yes, our Father in Heaven has individual tasks/missions for us to complete while here, if we will do them.

To explain why building an eternal family is so vital, a few key truths must be understood:

  1. Families can be eternal.  The families we form here on earth are meant to last forever.  The authority to seal husband and wife for time and all eternity is had upon the earth, and is exercised in holy temples.  This power of sealing also seals parents to children.
  2. It’s not “automatic”.  Being sealed to one’s spouse and children requires action on our part  Namely, families must actually be sealed here on Earth by one having authority.  This sacred ordinance occurs only in holy temples.  And prerequisite to entering the temple are certain ordinances and covenants, such as baptism (by the proper authority), as well as the maintenance of certain standards of worthiness, defined by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  3. Each person’s salvation is partly dependent upon the salvation of and sealing to that person’s family, including past and future generations.  Their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation.   (See Doctrine and Covenants 128:15-18).  This explains in part why we perform saving ordinances for those who have deceased.  (See link above.)  All must be and ultimately will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the ordinances and accompanying covenants necessary to salvation (see Doctrine and Covenants 138:30-35), and those ordinances must be performed on Earth, in temples (see Doctrine and Covenants 138:47-48).  For those who have died, the living perform their ordinances by proxy, on an individual basis.

And what is meant by “building an eternal family”?  If I can venture to answer, it means, simply:

  1. Actually creating a family on earth by being married, if we are in the power to do so, and have children, again if it is in our power.
  2. Being sealed to our spouse and children in a temple of God by one having authority.
  3. Keeping the covenants we made in the temple and thus make ourselves worthy of our sealing remaining in force when we are dead.
  4. Leading our own family in living the principles that will lead not only to salvation, but to potentially wonderful happiness and joy in earthly family life, indeed the greatest joy there is to be had here, as well as in eternity.  (For tips on this see “The Family: A Proclamation to the World“, paragraph 7.)
  5. Completing the necessary temple ordinances for our dead and thus build that “welding link” between generations spoken of in the scripture above.

Where does missionary work fit in all this?  For now I’ll just quote Spencer W. Kimball who said:

“Missionary work is not limited to proclaiming the gospel to every nation, kindred tongue , and people now living on the earth. Missionary work is also continuing beyond the veil among the millions and even billions of the children of our Heavenly Father who have died either without hearing the gospel or without accepting it while they lived on the earth. Our great part in this aspect of missionary work is to perform on this earth the ordinances required for those who accept the gospel over there. The spirit world is full of spirits who are anxiously awaiting the performance of these earthly ordinances for them. I hope to see us dissolve the artificial boundary line we so often place between missionary work and temple and genealogical work, because it is the same great redemptive work!” (S. W. Kimball, 1977, p.3)

I hope I’ve made a decent case for the importance of building an eternal family.

For your reference and further information, here is the talk in which Elder Ballard suggests that the mission statement for mortality might be to build an eternal family:

And for more on the purpose of the temple, here are the words of President Boyd K. Packer:  ‘The Holy Temple

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